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An Open Letter to the Moms of Ameris Bank


It seems like most of the messages I see on TV and online say the same thing using the same words: These are uncertain times. Unprecedented times. Tough times.

It’s true. This spot in time is all of those things.

But this period in history has shown me something new and hopeful as well. It has shown me the strength of parents, especially moms. It has shown me how these women are tasked with the impossible: parenting, working, teaching, household management, and more. They rise to the challenge every single day, because they have no other options. This isn’t a time when moms can easily call for help. There is no babysitter or schoolteacher. In fact, most moms are away from their support systems right now.

Working in our new environment is challenging for all of us. I don’t have small children in my home, so it is easy for me to take for granted how difficult it is to balance parenting, teaching and working.

Occasionally on conference calls, I hear the muffled background noise of children speaking to their moms. I notice the quick mute buttons, meant to quiet homelife as the focus remains on work. Some parents even feel that they must minimize their parental duties because of workplace perceptions or pressures. It weighs on me that moms feel this way, which is why I am writing this letter today.

To the moms of Ameris Bank, I want to acknowledge the hard work that you are doing and thank you for the lessons that you’ve taught me. Your strength and perspective have shown me so much over the last few months. I applaud your ability to pivot and adjust, not only to help your family, but to assist your customers and community. Your tenacity and dedication fuel my positivity. Our organization will not be defined by this dark spot in time, but we will learn from it. And the power of moms will forever be one of my takeaways.

Thank you, and happy Mother’s Day.
Lawton Bassett

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